London girls responded to last weekend's cooler temperatures with slouchy summer boots, but when I arrived in NYC on Wednesday to hot New York August rain I found that Manhattan ladies had taken the boots trend a step further – wellingtons.

They were in every colour, pattern and label. Who knew the sexy lingerie label Victoria's Secret also make pink rubber boots (above)?

Hunter Boot Ltd have been manufacturing wellies for 150 years. They provided boots for the British Army, notably for soldiers to wear in the flooded trenches of World War I, and have Royal Warrants from the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. Now Hunters come in rainbow hues, including magenta (above). I particularly like the space age silver ones below.

More designer labels: these very chic green wellies by Marc Jacobs (above) and the ever-popular Burberry check (below).

There were also plenty of classic black wellies. The girl below said hers were actually kids' size.

These shiny rubber boots (above) are from Strawberry – and brand new. I like the cowboy shape below (''I forget where I bought them, it was online.'')

Sitting out the damp in Union Square: Air Wair Doc Martens.

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